Will Meredith
William is a freelance WordPress Developer & Games Tester who joined in 2019
For the past six years, William has been shooting with the club, currently with a self bow which is 60lbs @ 28 inches made by the late Steve Meredith
Currently, he is building up to shoot a bow which is a 85lbs @ 32 inches. It features a Yew belly from his father's 150lb bow
which Steve had made and shot in this prime.
William is looking to enjoy his father's work and the company of his friends & fellow archers.
"A singular company, singular experience, and a singular location to come and shoot at...
It's a grand day, a grand day out" - Steven Meredith.
Flight Colours

Highest Badge Achived
(Best Score 80)

Scores & Awards
CHLS Awards:
I.L.A.A Awards:
CHLS Awards:
I.L.A.A Awards:
CHLS Awards:
I.L.A.A Awards:
CHLS Awards:
2023: Best 10 Shoots Average: (54.60)
3rd Robert Wallis Trophy Winner 40/103
Awarded 75+ Badge
3rd Agincourt Trophy Shoot Winner
3rd Best 10 Handicap Shoots Trophy (112.50)
I.L.A.A Awards:
1st at the Marks with 60 points – Mary Rose Warbow Championship (Torry Hill)
1st Speed Shoot with 17 points – Mary Rose Warbow Championship (Torry Hill)
3rd at the Marks with 58 Points – Spitfire Shoot Mundane Estate
3rd at Speed Shoot with 62 Points – H.A.C Shoot
CHLS Awards:
2020: Best 10 Shoots Average: 51.70
3rd Most Improved Trophy – +18.9%
CHLS Awards:
2019: Best 10 Shoots Average: 32.80
Awarded 50+ badge