Steve Meredith
13th July 1952 - 3rd December 2021
Steve joined us at the end of April 2017, but has been an accomplished archer for quite a while, both on target and at the marks, having attended many ILLA shoots and other events. He made something of a grand entrance to CHLS, scoring two flags - one at 150 yards , the other at 140 yards and scoring a decent first time with us score of 32. Very good on a marks layout he had never shot on before.
Our Dear Friend and respected fellow longbowman Steve Meredith sadly passed away in mid December 2021.
Steve was renowned and loved both on and off the field.
He is particularly remembered for his warmth, good humour and kindness, keeping everbody entertained with a story for every occasion, and his ability to keep the club's motto alive by sinking his fair share of beer, for which he was always quick to get in a round.
Too for his ability to shoot traditional yew longbows of draw weight well over one hundred pounds, often that he had made himself, right down to his mini longbow, which we enjoyed testing most successfully both in the railway inn car park and in london at the finsbury fields.
An active member of CHLS Steve always provided equipment for New Years Day Shoots, made trophies, one given to the Stonor family, made pies, and was a solid committed club member, always there, when health permitted; and even when struggling his dedermination to shoot on his 'wheeled stallion' was courageous.
Steve shall be greatly missed by us all.
Flight Colours

Highest Badge Achived
(Best Score 69)

Scores & Awards
2017: Best 10 Shoots Average: 26.20
2018: Best 10 Shoots Average: 39.00
3rd – Most Improved Trophy – 12.8
2019: Best Ten Shoots Average: 52.10
Awarded 50+ badge
3rd – Most Improved Trophy – 14.1
2020: Best 10 Shoots Average: 47.30
2021: Best 10 Shoots Average:
2022: Awarded the Fingers Trophy for Services to CHLS
Personal Best: 69 (June 2020)
Joined: April 2017