Selina Wallis

Selina joined the club in May. Scoring well from start, Selina has a very good shooting style and is competing well with George Davie, our other new member. Currently she is using a 55lb osage bow.

Flight Colours

Highest Badge Achived
(Best Score 90)

Scores & Awards

CHLS Awards:

2020: Best 10 Shoots Average: 52.00

3rd Wednesday Master Archer (Mitch Trophy)-2

CHLS Awards:

2019: Best Ten Shoots Average: 50.90

2nd – Crecy Trophy winner -61/93 points

Awarded 50+ badge

Awarded 75+ badge

I.L.A.A Awards:

1st – At the Marks – Stonor Park

1st – Cloth of Gold – Stonor Park

1st – Cloth of Gold – Armistice Shoot – Watford

1st – Speed Shoot – Armistice Shoot – Watford

2nd – At the Marks – Armistice Shoot – Watford

1st – Cloth of Gold (230 yrds) – Windsor Shoot

CHLS Awards:

2018: Best Ten Shoots Average: 28.70