Mark Heath
Mark joined us in July 2016, taking an instant liking to Marks shooting after only one guest visit. Shooting a Bickerstaffe 45 lb standard bow of 45 lbs draw weight and a newly acquired set of Dobbs lightweight arrows, he is getting all the distances with a bit to spare. Having already shot target and other disciplines he has kicked off on a pretty fair PB which is bound to rise fairly quickly in the days ahead.
Mark has since upgraded to a top of the range Bickerstaffe bow of 70 lbs D/W. Lots of Osage inducing looks of envy from other members.
Flight Colours

Highest Badge Achived
(Best Score 110)

Scores & Awards
CHLS Awards:
I.L.A.A Awards:
CHLS Awards:
I.L.A.A Awards:
CHLS Awards:
2023: Best 10 Shoots Averages: (did not Qualify)
CHLS Awards:
2022: Best 10 Shoots Average: (48.70)
1st Agincourt Trophy – 42/69
CHLS Awards:
2021: Best 10 Shoots Averages: 68.10
100 Badge Awarded
110 Badge Awarded
2nd Wednesday Trophy Cup – (74.80)
3rd Wednesday Master Archer – 1
CHLS Awards:
2018: Best 10 shoots average: 56.90
I.L.A.A Awards:
2nd – At the Marks – Honourable Artillery Company – London
Winner of the brooch for first 12 at Honourable Artillery Company Shoot
CHLS Awards:
2016: Year End Average: 25.94
CHLS Awards:
2017: Best 10 Shoots Average: 70.40
1st – Speed Shoot (26) – Yattendon
2nd – Crecy Handicap (96)
1st – Most Improved Trophy (38.6)
2nd – Crecy Trophy (86 points)
2nd – Best 10 Shoots Trophy (91.20)
1st – Best 10 Handicap Shoots Trophy (102.70)
1st – Most Improved Trophy (35.3)
2nd – Highest Score Trophy (110)
3rd – Sunday Master Archer Trophy (8)
I.L.A.A Awards:
2nd – At the Marks (83) – Baron Camoy`s Shoot – Stonor Park
2nd – Men’s Marks (90) – Honourable Artillery Company – London