Peter 'Dobbs' Madden
Peter 'Dobbs' Madden sadly passed away on Friday 31st January 2020 after a long battle with cancer.
He was one of the founding members of Clifton Hampden Longbow Society and until fairly recently was an active member of the club. He had many roles - from leading the committee, to setting out the flags, scoring, making bows and for a long time being the club's main arrow maker. He loved to laugh and relished in entertaining everyone with his funny speeches and stories! Peter was extremely passionate about CHLS and would love nothing more than to see the club he helped found keep going; drawing new members in and most importantly maintaining tradition.
Peter will forever be an honourary member of the club; he has a trophy named after him and will be honoured with the ILAA/Club's black & white arrow ceremonies.
Peter 'Dobbs' Madden
1945 - 2020
Peter (Dobbs) Madden – Club Chairman, organiser and general factotum.
Holder of the occasional forthright view - and owner of more longbows that you can shake a stick at.
He won the prestigious 2009 Agincourt Trophy, which is the only non handicapped trophy shoot that the club has. This was against stiff opposition in challenging shooting conditions.
His spare time is usually taken up with his ‘arrowsmith’ duties, which include making, repairing or designing other club member’s arrows.
Flight Colours

Highest Badge Achived
(Best Score 108)

Scores & Awards
2005: Overall Season Average: 55.1 / 2nd
2nd Season Average Trophy (55.1)
Club Record May – December 2005 (77)
2006: Overall Season Average: 53.9 / 3rd
3rd Season Average Trophy (53.9)
2007: Overall Season Average: 54.9 / 6th
2008: Overall Season Average: 64.9 / 6th
2009: Best 10 Shoots Average: 85 / 5th
1st Agincourt Trophy (74)
2010: Best 10 Shoots Average: 64.3 / 7th
2011: Best 10 Shoots Average: 64 / 6th
2012: Best 10 Shoots Average: 65 / 8th
2013: Best 10 Shoots Average: 76.8 / 8th
3rd Improvers Trophy (Improvement of 18.2%)
3rd Highest Handicap average (113.8)
2014: Best 10 Shoots Average: 77.6 / 7th
2015: Overall Season Average: 69.3 / 8th
2nd Robert Wallis Handicap Trophy (73 – Nett 110)
2016: Year end average: 60.0
2017: Best 10 shoots average: 78.10
1st – Crecy Handicap (99)
2nd – Most Improved Trophy (18.1)
2018: Best 10 shoots average: 76.60
1st – Robert Wallis Trophy (90 / Nett 93)
3rd – Agincourt Trophy
Winner of the Fingers Trophy 2020 for Services to CHLS
Personal Best: 108 (June 2009)
Joined: Founder Member