The Clifton Hampden Longbow Society Constitution
As amended 1st January 2011.
1. The club shall be called “The Clifton Hampden Longbow Society” hereinafter referred to as the “Club”.
2. The object of the Club shall be the promotion and practice of Longbow Archery.
3. The Shooting Regulations as prescribed by the Committee shall be accepted as governing the relevant branches of the sport of Longbow Archery practised by the Club and its members.
4. Nothing shall be included in this Constitution which conflicts with the safety rules of shooting laid down by the ILAA , GNAS and CHLS
5. The management of the Club’s affairs shall be entrusted to the Committee.
6. All members shall accept the jurisdiction of the Club and its Committee and shall conform to such conditions, shooting rules and regulations as are current, or which may be determined from time to time by the Committee. A club “member” will have been offered membership by the club committee after a period of “day member” attendance, and will be recorded as a member by the club secretary on the list of club members. ( Also see 28)
7. The Committee shall consist of: Chairman, Treasurer, Secretary, Field Captain and a co-opted club member who are known as “Officers” of the club. The Officers shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting. Committee members shall serve for a period of two years, and may stand for re election.
8. The funds and property of the Club shall be administered by the elected Officers or nominated Committee members.
9. All monies and funds received on behalf of the Club shall remain the property of the Club, and there will be no distribution of such funds amongst the members other than by reimbursements authorised by the Committee.
10. The Club shall maintain a bank account in the Club’s name. Any withdrawals from the Club bank account must be signed for by the Treasurer and countersigned by another Officer of the Club.
11. In the event of the dissolution of the Club, the assets shall be disposed of as directed by the General Meeting approving the dissolution.
12. In the case of an emergency, an officer of the club shall have full power to act independently as he/she deems necessary . Eg: in the event of an emergency at a shoot where perhaps only one club officer is present.
13. The postal address of the Club shall be that of the current Secretary.
14. The Committee will hold no less than three Committee Meetings annually at a time and place to be agreed by the Committee and arranged by the Club Secretary.
15. At meetings of the Committee, the Chairman is entitled to an additional deciding vote.
16. The Committee may appoint Sub-Committees, which shall include at least one Officer, and may delegate to such Sub-Committees powers within terms of reference defined at its formation.
17. Should a complaint arise against a Club member, it must be referred to the Committee who will take whatever action they deem necessary to protect the interests of the Club and its members. The Committee’s decision will be final.
18. Members of the Committee can form a Quorum which will consist of any three members of the Committee, to include the Chairman or Secretary. Any Quorum is to be minuted and declared at the next full Committee meeting.
19. The field Captain is responsible for shooting etiquette, organising the shoots, as well as health and safety. The Field Captain will have the final decision on the occasion of the shoot with regard to all issues relating to the conduct of the shoot and the participation of visitors. The Field Captain may appoint a deputy in his or her absence , and where conditions require, appoint a deputy or deputies to assist. Eg where a larger number of archers are present.
20. Members of the Club 18 years old and over shall be classed as Adult Members. Members of the Club under 18 years old shall be classed as Junior Members and have no voting rights at any General Meetings. Juniors aged 16 and 17 may shoot without parental/ guardian supervision. Juniors under 16 must be accompanied throughout the shooting session by parent/guardian or by a responsible adult chosen by the parent/ guardian. There will be in place, a procedure plan in the event of visitors(including children) going missing
21. Any person whom the Club may wish to honour for distinguished service to the Club may be elected at a General Meeting of the Club as an Honorary Life Member and will become exempt from payment of an annual sub, but will pay the appropriate shoot fee upon his/her occasional attendance.
22. All members as defined in paragraph 20 (other than honorary members as defined in paragraph 21) shall pay either an annual club subscription, or weekly shoot fees at rates determined by the committee.
A separate fee will be charged for day members as set by the committee.
23. The AGM shall be held during September at a time and place to be determined by the Committee. Not less than twenty-eight clear days’ notice of such meeting shall be sent to each member .
24. The Committee shall submit a Balance Sheet at the AGM showing the Club’s financial position, with an income and expenditure account, for the previous twelve months up to the 31st August.
25. The Constitution of the Club shall not be altered or amended except at the AGM, or at an Extraordinary General Meeting. Members wishing to move a proposition designed to alter or amend the Constitution shall submit such proposition to the Secretary not less than twenty-one days before the General meeting at which the proposition is to be considered. Notice of such proposition which it is intended to move shall be sent to all members entitled to receive notice of such meetings.
26. The Committee, or any three Adult Members upon application to and at the discretion of the Committee, may call an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM). Not less than twenty-one clear days’ notice of such meetings shall be sent to each member. Any propositions to be moved at an EGM must be included in the notice of any such meeting, such notice to be sent to members by the Secretary.
27. The Chairman is entitled to an additional deciding vote at all Annual and Extraordinary General Meetings.
28. Acceptance of new members is subject to approval by the Committee and must be minuted. Acceptance can be granted by a Committee Quorum which must be minuted and confirmed at the next Committee Meeting.
29. Clifton Hampden Longbow Society does not offer coaching.
30. A copy of this constitution will be made available to all club members.
31. The bow shall be the traditional longbow made from wood, either “self”, “backed”, or “laminated” with cambered (stacked) belly and horn nocks. It shall be not less than five feet in length for an arrow of less than 27 inches and; not less than five feet six inches in length for a 27 inch or longer arrow, this being measured along the back between the string nocks. At no point shall the depth of the bow, measured from back to belly, be less than 5/8 (five eights) of the width of the bow at the same section. The bow may carry no support for the arrow. Bows of bamboo, constructed in conformity with the above, shall be permitted.