Our Club

The Clifton Hampden Longbow Society was formed in January 2003 by seven people over a few beers in the Railway Inn at Culham, Oxfordshire.
The club is dedicated purely to the enjoyment of traditional English longbows (no sights and counterbalances here!) and is therefore extremely informal. Shoots take place every Sunday morning at 10am (subject to weather conditions) and take approximately two hours. After-shoot drinks are taken in the Railway Inn at Culham.
The club currently has approximately 30 members. Visitors and new members are welcomed by arrangement. Club equipment available by prior arrangement with the shoot captain. See phone number on home page.
Having researched and experimented with various formats, the club now shoots the
‘Shooting to the Mark’ discipline on a regular basis.

Our Founders

Our six founding members of the society.

Derrick Bettis


Richard Lynch-Blosse

Peter Madden


Dave Warne

Member's Rep

Ray Timms

Robert Wallis


We Are Greatful to:

Bernie Wallis & Rob Woods also the Locksite Farmer, for giving permission to the club to utilise their premises.
(The Moto Cross Grounds, Abbey Meadows & Clifton Locksite) for the club’s shoots.
We would like to remind all members that these facilities are not to be used at any other time, other than at club shoots.