Ian Burton - alias "Burty"
Member's Rep

Burty joined us from the Recurve Archery Club in early September. A natural with the bow, he was scoring regular 'Golds' at Recurve Archery and took to Longbow like a duck to water.

Low powered club bows meant his scoring was a bit impaired, but once he bought a Chris Radbone bow of around 56lbs and some McRobert arrows there was no stopping him and he bumped his score up to 68 on the 17th September, winning him one of the new 50 Plus badges.

Burty also has a great muttering repartee, doing excellent Brummie and Geordie accents when wandering between flags. It is something that Dobbs and Ed have been doing for some time so nice to have a new recruit!

Burty also loves "Bridge" beer, so he fits in perfectly with Biscuit!

Flight Colours

Highest Badge Achived
(Best Score 141)

Scores & Awards

CHLS Awards:
2nd Peter Madden Memorial Trophy Winner (89/99)

CHLS Awards:
2023 Best Ten Shoots Average:  (105.40)

1st Place Peter Madden Trophy Cup winner 2023 (114/130)

Awarded 130+ & 140+ Badges

2nd  Agincourt Trophy Shoot  Winner

2nd Best 10 Shoots Trophy (105.40)

1st Best 10 Handicap Shoots Trophy (120.80)

1st Most Improved Trophy (12.9%)

1st Highest Score Trophy (141)

CHLS Awards:

2022: Best 10 Shoots Average: (92.50)

3rd Robert Wallis Trophy 76/96

1st Crecy Trophy 96/116

Crecy Plate 2022

Robert Wallis 3rd Place Trophy 2022

I.L.A.A Awards: 

3rd At The Marks Mary Rose Warbow championship with 49 points

2nd at the Marks (123 points) The Viscount Harcourt Shoot

CHLS Awards:

2021: Best 10 Shoots Average: 97.50

2nd Best Ten Shoots Trophy Shield – 97.50

3rd Best Ten Handicap Trophy Siield – 106.20

3rd Highest Score Trophy Shield – 119

3rd Sunday Master Archer Trophy – 9

CHLS Awards:

2020: Best Ten Shoots Average: 104.20

1st Robert Wallis Trophy 107/113

2nd Best 10 Shoots Trophy Shield -104.20

1st Best 10 Handicap Shoots Trophy Bowl – 110.30

2nd Highest Score Trophy Shield -120

1st Sunday Master Archery Trophy -13

CHLS Awards:

2019: Best 10 Shoots Average: 117.10

1st – Mary Rose Trophy Shoot (120 yards)

1st – Best 10 Shoots Trophy – 117.10

1st – Best 10 Handicap Trophy – 117.10

2nd – Improvers Trophy – 18.0

1st – Highest Score Trophy – 125

1st – Sunday Master Archer Trophy – 18

1st – Wednesday Nights Cup Trophy – 106

2nd – Wednesday Master Archer Trophy – 6

CHLS Awards:

2018: Best Ten Shoots Average: 91.20

Awarded 75 Plus Badge

Awarded 100 and 110 Badges

2nd – Robert Wallis Trophy (73 / Nett 83)

2nd – Crecy Trophy (86 points)

2nd – Best 10 Shoots Trophy (91.20)

1st – Best 10 Handicap Shoots Trophy (102.70)

1st – Most Improved Trophy (35.3)

2nd – Highest Score Trophy (110)

3rd – Sunday Master Archer Trophy (8)

CHLS Awards:

2017: Best 10 Shoots Average: 55.90

Winner of the 50 Plus Badge – September 17th
